HUMANS OF CUES Student Feature. Nyabos and ssebos, meet Lilian!
“I am Murekye Lilian age 28 years old born in a humble family from the Western region of Uganda. Currently staying in Kampala, I am a graduate with a bachelors in Social Science form Makerer University. I am a Christian and I love God. I am single and a proud mother of a son called Elisha. I am so happy to become a First Responder.
I want to be a First Responder because I want to make a difference. When I am the first person on the scene in any emergency situation, my skills and actions can make a big difference. I can save a life and turn what would have been a tragedy into something better.
Some interesting facts, I like interacting with people, travelling and reading. I also enjoy eating chicken and drinking yogurt.
I really appreciate all the CUES team and thank you for all the handwork done, knowledge, skills and time you have given us. Thank you so much and may the almighty reward you all abundantly. Keep the spirit!”
Lilian has a vibrant personality that shines through with her enthusiasm during class. She has shown an in-depth understanding of first response theory, critically thinking and applying knowledge effectively during the practical component of the course. If she continues along this trajectory she will most certainly, “make a big difference when first on the scene of an emergency situation.” Keep up the positive attitude and work ethic Lilian, you are an excellent member of LECC.