HUMANS OF CUES Student feature. Nyabos and ssebos, meet Aketch Vivienne!
“I come from an extended family of over ten boys and only four girls. I have lived in Uganda all my life though I have travelled to many countries in Africa.
I am a single mother of two children, a boy 6 years and a girl 4 years. I am an adventurous person and I love to read, learn and share.
As a teenager I dreamt of being a doctor. I have always wanted and loved to help anyone in pain, sick or distressed, but I ended up being a computer scientist.
Becoming a first responder is a golden opportunity for me to realize my dream. Thank you CUES team.”
Vivienne excelled during PHASE 2 of CUES, expressing an in-depth understanding of foundational first response materials presented to the students. Returning in 2020, it was obvious she had dedicated extensive time and effort solidifying her theoretical knowledge and practical skills even further, thriving from the get go and taking on a major leadership role. Vivienne was integral to Phase 3, a role model to her peers, facilitating practical small group activities and stepping up to conduct full lectures for the beginner sessions. She is an incredibly driven member of the team, her passion for wanting to help anyone in “pain, sick or distressed” evident by her hard work and dedication to her community. We look forward to seeing Vivienne continue to amaze us all with her invaluable contributions moving forward with the future of the Liberty Emergency Care Collaborative (LECC).