People of CUES

Hello all, I know it’s been a while, but we hope everyone is staying safe and healthy out there! To brighten up your news feeds we are bringing you our very first HUMANS OF CUES Student Feature. Nyabos and ssebos, meet Gregory! “Hello! My name is Rwothomio Gregory. I was

Phase 3 Complete!

It’s been a while, but thank you for hanging in there for our final update from phase 3. All members have made it back home safely to Canada, after a long journey. We are all missing everyone (and the hot weather) back in Uganda immensely. We finished up our very

Final Week of Phase 3!

This week has been an exciting busy week! We are missing Meg greatly, but we were happy to hear she made it back home after many naps on airport floors and several different lay overs. We started this week with our beginning class showing us all of their spectacular improvement

Another week of Phase 3 complete!

Week two finale-D withhhh… drum rolllll please… FITNESS BOOTCAMP!!! Okay not quite the Richard Simmons version. The CUES version. Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation day!! Both beginner and advanced classes got their hearts pumping, and those of their mannequins, whilst performing impeccable chest compressions to the beat of Alex’s flawlessly harmonized rendition of

CUES Day 7-8-9 BULK Review!

We want to sincerely apologize to all of our avid followers for the delayed update, the team has been BUSY BUSY with week two midterm tasks. The instructors managed to survive the 3 days without our fearless leader Paul, but we are very glad to have him back for the

Week 2 has begun!

The team has reconvened in Kampala after an exciting Valentine’s Day weekend.  The Lion King soundtrack oh so appropriately on repeat in Alex and Meg’s heads the entirety of the weekend, the female representation of the CUES instructor group had an amazing time hanging out amongst the extensive Ugandan animal

Day 4 Complete!

Day four is complete, and the students were very engaged today! We kickstarted the beginners class off having them demonstrate their progress with memorizing and understanding the initial part of the assessment framework, including scene overview, general patient impression, LOC and ABC’s. Although ample more practice is required, we have

Day 3

Day 3 of Phase 3 kickstarted with the team’s regular morning commute up Bomba road and through the streets of Kawempe to the community youth centre, home of CUES. The beginner group was seated and ready to learn by 9:05 AM, a time vastly improved from the fashionably late Uganda

Second day of classes!

The morning class learned about anatomy, physiology, and vital signs.  We all had some fun practicing with manual blood pressure cuffs. With the afternoon class we focused on shock, strokes, and seizures.  The day ended with some scenario practice and some practice with moving patients.

First day of classes!

The day started with our beginner class.  The lesson for today focused on primary assessment and collecting vital signs.  We had a great turnout and the class was very engaged.   The advanced class had written testing and scenario testing.  We are very happy to say that everyone did well. They

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