A Beautiful Day

The team members and some of the students met for orientation – here’s an update with more pictures on Facebook. There’s more to come, as training starts Monday! We’ll keep you posted! As always, please consider helping with funding, or share with friends and family. Every bit helps. The CUES

Orientation Day!

We are excited to be joined by 9 members of the experienced group and 9 new class members for orientation day. Tim layed out ground rules and expectations for the program and the class members voiced their expectations for the coming weeks. There are no updates about the ambulance. It

Update from Uganda

We arrived in the morning on February 3rd after a long flight from Canada.  We are still awaiting the arrival of the ambulance.  The most recent update is that the ambulance is stuck at the border awaiting paperwork.  We hope to see it soon. Orientation is on Saturday and classes

One Week to Go!

One Week Left!! Our CUES team will be Uganda bound in the very early morning hours of February 3, arriving about the same time as the new ambulance is expected. A station has been leased, and all is prepared for both levels of classes. We at CUES would like to

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