Phase 3
Update, November 23, 2019:
Its happening! We are extremely pleased to announce that the new ambulance for the project has been ordered and will be shipped soon. It is a 2007 Hyundai Starex, with a mere 30000km on it, and it looks great! Check out the video here.

Phase 3 is Coming!
Preparations for Phase 3 of the CUES Uganda Project are moving along very well, and the support we are receiving from many people and organizations is heart-warming. Here is a summary of what has been accomplished and what is ongoing:
- The Plan
- Train a team of Ugandan phase 2 students to an Alberta EMR level in preparation for employment in an ambulance service.
- Purchase and stock an ambulance
- Establish a registered company in partnership with Hapa Resources to operate the EMS service.
- Lease and equip a base station to operate from.
- Enlist and train a new class of basic students.
- Teach AED/CPR outreach classes to interested community groups including hospital staff from Ruth Gaylord Hospital.
- Volunteer Team.
A committed and enthusiastic group of 7 volunteers has been selected from a very impressive group of applicants. These people will be travelling at their own expense to Kampala in February to teach various levels of medical first response and ambulance operations to a wide range of people in the community of Kawempe.
- Fund Raising
This has been a little more difficult than anticipated due to the economic downturn in Alberta, but it is improving as the project date grows closer. The ambulance is the big ticket item, and we are confident that we will reach our goal with the help of our community organizations and generous individual donors.
- The Company
Hapa Resources and CUES have registered a company in Uganda called Liberty Emergency Care Collaborative (LECC). It is in the final stages of incorporation, and will be running by November 16. We are looking for a suitable base to operate out of, and that should be in place soon as well.
- The Ugandan Team (advanced)
We have selected a team of 10 superb candidates from the phase 2 class. These people have been doing ongoing weekly training and upgrading for the past 8 months, and will continue to do so, under the guidance of Timothy Walsh from Hapa Resources. They have also conducted several community outreach programs, and continue to assist people in their local communities when medical emergency situations arise. These are the people who will be employed by the program once it is implemented. In February they will spend 3 weeks in intensive training with our instructors followed by a practicum at local clinics and hospitals.
- The Ugandan Team (basic)
We are in the process of selecting quality students to enroll in the new Basic Class for 2020. These will be trained to an advanced First Aid level and equipped with extensive first aid kits to allow them to work assisting people in need within their local communities. Successful students will also be in line for upgrading and possible employment for phase 4 when it happens.
- The Ambulance
The present plan is to purchase a used ambulance from Japan and have it imported into Uganda. This is by far the best solution from a financial standpoint, and gives us more choice as to the quality of the unit and the equipment included. The unit will be shipped to Kenya and imported from there.
Help Us Out!
Phase 3 is coming, and it is by far the most ambitious project we have undertaken. In this phase, beginning in February 2020, we plan to have an ambulance purchased, stocked, and running to offer no cost EMS service to the people of Kawempe, Uganda. We estimate that it will cost $100 000 to fully implement this service for a year.
We have a number of fund-raising directions going forward, but we will be counting on many people to help this program move forward. Here is a list of things that you can do to help CUES and the people of Kawempe.
1. Donate – We have our GoFundMe page posted both on FB and the website. Any amount will be greatly appreciated.
2. Fundraise – Organize an activity, large or small, in your community. This could include a car wash, BBQ, tournament, Gala, silent auction, or anything else that could raise revenue for CUES. Information and materials will be provided.
3. Inform – If you are aware of any local organizations that could be approached about larger donations, we would be very happy to come do a presentation for them. Just let us know!
4. Share – We will be posting information and updates regularly here and on Facebook . The more people who know about the program, the better our chances of reaching our goal. You can share on any or all of the social media platforms you use. Let’s get the word out!
5. Join – Become a member of CUES. There is no charge to join, all we need is a little basic information and you will be part of the team. We have various committees that will be in need of members, and you can give as much time as you like. You can join by registering with the Register/Login link to the left.